PEMDAS Senior Research Scientist and expert on Remote Sensing technologies, Dr. Brian Griffith presented the results of our ASAPS (Atmospheric Sensing and Prediction System) technology obtained during a joint PEMDAS and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) field test conducted from Barrow, Alaska.

Dr. Brian Griffith at work in the Arctic.
Operating a ScanEagle drone, United States Navy pilots successfully utilized PEMDAS’ ASAPS sensor to collect meteorological data in one of the world’s most challenging environments, the Arctic Circle.
Comparing the results of the ASAPS sensor to nearby radiosonde observations, the PEMDAS ASAPS sensor compared very well to reference radiosonde measurements, demonstrating the promise of real-time weather sensing via Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) -based weather sensing.
The project was supported by the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Air Force’s ISR Innovations Office.
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