As the leading provider of Environmental Intelligence solutions for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance operations, PEMDAS’ Atmospheric Sensing and Prediction System (ASAPS) system has been integrated onto the next generation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) platforms such as the Griffon Aerospace SeaHunter and Aerovel Flexrotor. As noted in the 18 December issue of AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems Magazine;
“While very few UAS have been lost due to mid-air collisions, many have been lost due to the environment, hazardous weather, icing, and loss of situational awareness after flying into clouds. This equipment loss is due to a lack of understanding the environment, which may impact the UAS’ airworthiness. Bad weather can affect sensor performance, cut the range of communications, and cause aircraft to ice up and crash.”
In an interview with Unmanned Systems Magazine discussing his organizations work on testing UAS platforms at NASA Glenn’s Icing Research Tunnel and the importance of environmental intelligence, J C. Coffey, Executive Director of Unmanned Systems for Cherokee Nation Technologies remarked that;
“The PEMDAS (Atmospheric Sensing and Prediction System) system is very intuitive and pilot friendly,” Coffey says. “It actually gives you a warning as you’re approaching regions of icing conditions. The light in the cockpit is green when you’re in a nice clear, non-icing condition. As your aircraft approaches an environment with potential icing, that light turns yellow, and you know to make that 180-degree turn before you actually get the red light indicating that you’re in an area of icing. This makes missions safer while enhancing operations.”
In the interview, it was also noted that;
“Coffey says in addition to icing warnings, the team has been experimenting with on-aircraft anti-icing coatings and systems, some of which can be put on hand-held systems. That work could pay off, not just for government customers, but for the commercial world as well.”
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